Friday 20 November 2015

PSY 331 Week 5 Final Paper

PSY 331 Week 5 Final Paper


PSY 361 Week 5 Final Paper

PSY 361 Week 5 Final Paper


POL 325 Week 1 Congressional Powers and Privileges

Congressional Powers and Privileges. Read pp. 90-94 and pp. 329-334 in your textbook, Politics in America.
Explain, in detail, the following information:
Briefly list and describe what you view as four of the main powers and privileges granted to Congress in
the Constitution.
Explain how Congress might create tensions with the Executive branch by exercising these powers.
Provide your perspective on why Congress was given these powers and not the President.
The paper must be two pages in length and formatted according to APA style. Cite your resources in text and on the reference page. For information regarding APA samples and tutorials, visit the Ashford Writing Center, within the Learning Resources tab on the left navigation toolbar, in your online course.


Sunday 15 November 2015

RES 429 Week 5 Assignment Final Project Property Management Plan

Focus of the Final Project
Property Management Plan—Putting It All Together
The Property Management Plan should demonstrate your understanding of the reading assignments as well as implications of your newly acquired knowledge. You should integrate readings, class discussions, work/life experiences, and what you have learned about property management. The Property Management Plan requires that you synthesize and reflect upon your learning in the context of the course outcomes.
Prepare an eight- to-ten page paper (excluding title page and references page) in which you analyze what you have learned about property management and create a plan for the management of a property that you own and manage. The property can be an apartment building, shopping center, or other commercial property of your choice.
The Property Management Plan, at a minimum, should include:
Part I: Introduction and Mission
Your introduction should summarize the key aspects of the paper. You should create a mission statement to include:
Property name and location
Company background
Name of company
Organizational structure (sole proprietor, LLC, corporation, etc.)—optional
Part II: Property Management Plan
In Weeks Two, Three, and Four you developed the integral parts of a property management plan. These combined papers will serve as Part II of your Final Project and should include:
Property Analysis (Week Two Assignment)
Maintenance Plan (Week Three Assignment)
Competitive Market Analysis (Week Four Assignment)
o Summaryofcompetitivebuildings o Regionalanalysis
o Neighborhood analysis
Part III: Reflections
You should include what you have learned about property management and how you will apply what you've learned professionally.
You must use a minimum of seven scholarly sources, including the textbook. The Property Management Plan is due on the last day of class and must be written according to APA style guidelines.

RES 429 Week 4 Assignment Competitive Market Analysis

Competitive Market Analysis. Write a two-to-three page paper (excluding the title and reference pages) detailing the competitive market analysis for your Property Management Plan. In the competitive market analysis, you must compare the rents and occupancies of similar competing properties with your selected property. The competitive market analysis must also include a regional analysis and neighborhood analysis in which you outline the economic base of the metropolitan region, the geographic sector, and the local neighborhood in which the property is situated.
The paper must be formatted according to APA guidelines and reference two scholarly sources in addition the textbook.


RES 429 Week 3 Assignment Maintenance Plan

Maintenance Plan. Write a two-to-three page paper (excluding the title and reference pages) detailing the maintenance plan for your Property Management Plan. The plan must include maintenance for indoor and outdoor goals. The paper should be formatted according to APA guidelines.
The maintenance plan should summarize:
Short term goals.
Long term goals.
Policies and procedures for routine maintenance.
Policies and procedures for preventative maintenance.
Policies and procedures for corrective maintenance.
As you are preparing your maintenance plan and retrieving information from various sources, be sure to include the following:
Explain whether or not you will use on-site maintenance personnel or hire on a contract basis.
Explain whether outdoor maintenance be handled by the same personnel that handle inside maintenance.
Explain the necessary maintenance tasks.
Describe how the maintenance tasks will be kept and scheduled.
The paper should be formatted according to APA guidelines and reference two scholarly sources in addition the textbook.


RES 429 Week 2 Property Analysis

Property Analysis. For the final paper, you will be preparing a property management plan for a property of your choice (apartment building; shopping center; or other commercial property). Each week you will complete a component on the property management plan. In week two, you will be completing the property analysis section of the final property management plan.
Write a three- to four- page paper outlining your property analysis for a property of your choice. Please see the recommended readings section for resources to assist you in locating a property.
The property analysis is a review of the particular property itself: its physical condition and needs, its rent roll and lease structure, and its overall financial performance and condition. include the following.
The property analysis, at a minimum, should
 Building size, location, accessibility
 Physical condition and age of structure and grounds
 Common area characteristics and condition
 Tenant space characteristics and condition
 Building occupancy and character of tenants
 Curb appeal: visual impression, style
 Building-to-land ratio: other possible uses or expansion on the site
 Compliance status regarding relevant regulations
 Current management strategy, policy, procedures
 Current staffing adequacy
 Financial integrity (including comparison of revenue and expenses with other similar buildings)
As you are preparing your property analysis and retrieving information from various sources, please keep the following in mind:
 A useful property analysis includes a thorough description of the property.  What is needed to make the property of my choice competitive?


RES 429 Week 1 Assignment The Professional Property Manager

The Professional Property Manager. Write a two- to-three page paper (excluding the title and reference pages) analyzing the roles, duties, and responsibilities of professional property managers. The research paper should be comprehensive and include specific examples. The paper should be formatted according to APA guidelines and reference two scholarly sources other than the text. Include responses to the following within your paper:
Summarize the advantages or disadvantages of working as an employee manager as opposed to a third- party manager.
Describe the reasons property owners would choose to hire a property manager rather than manage property themselves.
Explain why a property manager should be concerned about ethics.


RES 341 Week 2 Comparative Examination of Real Estate Valuation

RES 341 Week 2 Comparative Examination of Real Estate Valuation


RES 334 Week 5 Final Paper

Explain the different REIT structures that exist and how they have progressed. (E.g. paper clipped, stapled, equity, upreit, downreit and mortgage REITs). What has caused the shifts and what shifts do you anticipate for the future?
Are REITs a good alternative to physical ownership of real estate? Make sure to discuss the implications of both investments and fully explore the impact these investments may have on the diversification of a portfolio.
Are the appraisal methods addressed an optimal way to price real estate? What are the benefits and potential pitfalls of these?
Mortgage securities: Explain what went wrong with the mortgage securities market between 2006 and 2009. What were the driving forces? Why were so many subprime mortgages created and how did these mortgages get re-sold in the secondary securities market?
Foreclosure: Select a state in the US and study the foreclosure process. Address the legal issues, process issues, consumer and lender protection issues, and how the real estate market is (or was) impacted in the state during periods of unusual foreclosure activity. Conduct an analysis of alternatives to foreclosure address costs and potential savings for the borrower and lender.”


RES 327 Week 5 Final Paper

We end the course with a Final Paper that gives you an opportunity to analyze a real estate issue of your choice.
The final paper must focus on one of the following topics:
Changes in the Real Estate Market
Capitalism and Real Estate
Government, Monetary Policy, and Real Estate Community Growth Patterns and Land Use Controls
Financial and Real Estate Tax Regulations Changes in the Mortgage Industry
Foreclosures, Banking, and Financial Regulation Real Estate Development
Real Estate Markets and Economic Depressions
Discuss the current economic landscape impacting your chosen topic. What recent developments have impacted this area (i.e. legislation, job market, taxation, etc.)? What is the future outlook? Use a theory or economic principle used in the course or textbook to provide a basic analysis of the subject of your paper. What changes need to occur in order to improve, or maintain, healthy economic conditions? Support your analysis by citing reference sources and providing examples.


ITSD322 Unit 2 Java console program

The first step in writing a software application is to determine the requirements. There is no value in writing a program that does not address the needs of the client. Requirements can be gathered in many ways, but ultimately, the requirements serve to document what the application should and should not do. After the requirements are written, the application design can be prepared, followed by the actual coding. For this project, you will gain some practice in the design phase of software development by designing a program that will meet a given set of requirements.
Develop a console program that simulates a section of a restaurant menu. Each item will have a different price and your program should define at least ten (10) items. You will need to obtain an order from the user who should provide their menu selection along with quantity. The total cost for the meal must be calculated. The user will enter the amount of their payment ($10, $20, etc.). The program needs to calculate the amount due back to the user (payment minus total cost of meal).
The project instructions and deliverables are as follows:
Create a document in Word (name the design document yourName_Unit2.IP), and add the following:
Title page
Course number and name
Project name
Student name
List the data items that must be stored and used by the program. Each data item should be given a name for reference. Develop a UML class diagram that illustrates the data items for your program.
List the decisions the program must make. References to the data items in the previous step should be used where appropriate.
Describe the flow of operation of the program by preparing pseudocode or a UML activity diagram. All key activities should be included, and references to the data items and decisions listed in the previous steps should be used.
Create a zip that includes your project folder and Word document, and upload it to the course portal.

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ITSD322 Unit 3 Java Animal Info console program

So far, you have learned about design and how to create a simple Java application using an IDE. Now, you are going to gain some experience writing an object-oriented program with classes, objects, inheritance, and polymorphism. These terms sound complex, but you will find they are not difficult to use. You will be drawing on all the information you have gained, and this project will require some time, so start early, and pay attention to instructions.
For this project, you will write a Java program that allows the user to select an animal from a menu and then display information about the animal.
Create a new project in your IDE named "AnimalInfo."
Create a class called "AnimalInfo" as the main class for the program.
Create a class called "Animal" with a virtual method displayInfo().
Create 3 classes inherited from Animal (one for each of your animals). Each of the inherited classes should override Animal.displayInfo() to display information about the animal. The information should just be a short description of the animal displayed to the screen.
In the AnimalInfo.main) method, display a menu allowing the user to choose 1 of 3 animals or quit the program. The menu should accept input from the user and take the appropriate action and then repeat until the user selects the option to quit. Hint: Simple menus are easiest to implement if the user selects a letter or number for each menu item.
When the user selects an animal, use the displayInfo() method of the appropriate class to display information about the selected animal.
Use comments throughout your code demonstrating your understanding of each statement of code.
Make sure the program runs correctly before submission.
Create a zip that includes your project folder and Word document, and upload it to the course portal.

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ITSD322 Unit 1 Java console program

Throughout this course, you will be learning about object-oriented programming and demonstrating what you learn by writing some programs in Java. The first step will be to install and integrated development environment (IDE) that will be where you will write and compile your programs. You will also write your first program using Java to show that you have correctly installed the IDE.
The project instructions and deliverables are as follows:
Download and install Java JDK and NetBeans IDE using the default installation options.
Run the IDE, and take a screenshot.
Create a console program that prompts the user to enter the name and address of their employer and position they hold or the name and address of their favorite restaurant and their favorite meal.
Display this information on the screen, each on a separate line.
Run your modified program and take a screenshot of the results.
Create a document in Word, and add the following:
Title page which includes: CourseNumber, CourseSection, CourseName, ProjectName (Unit 1 IP), StudentName and Date.
Screen shots showing the IDE running.
Screen shot showing the program's output.
Create a zip that includes your project folder and Word document, and upload it to the course portal.

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ITCO381 Unit 1 IP assignment

In an era where Web sites are highly dynamic, interactive, and database dependent, a static Web page consisting of only HTML may seem archaic. However, Web developers must begin somewhere and a good understanding of the language of the Web (HTML) is the right place to start. You have decided to develop a static Web page that contains valid HTML as the newsletter for an organization that interests you.

Create a static Web page that includes the basic structure of a valid HTML (not XHTML) document. Make sure to include the language attribute of the html element and the character set attribute of the metadata element. You may want to save this basic document as the starting structure for development of all static Web pages.
Continue to structure the newsletter using the HTML semantic elements
Within the structure of the newsletter add other HTML elements including at least one:
image that implements accessibility guidelines
navigation that includes a
list of at least
four links that
navigate to actual Web pages and
implement accessibility guidelines
Use of any inline elements should follow current standards
No style should be applied
Validate the finished web page.
Zip (compress) the into a .zip file.
Please submit your assignment.

You will be graded on the content, structure, and validity of your final HTML page.

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CIS339 Week 7 Object-Oriented Application Coding

Your demonstrations of how to create both method contract and the method specification for the GetCourseByCourseID() method of the CourseList class were very well received by your team members. They then asked you for one final demonstration of how to implement the method specification using an object-oriented (OO) programming language and see the method actually execute.

You realize that it is easy to implement the method specification in an OO programming language, but it is hard to test it because the rest of the application is not developed yet. You decided, therefore, to write two pieces of code.

Code that implements the GetCourseByCourseID() method
Code that implements a unit test for that method alone (outside of any other application code)
This way you can demonstrate the method implementation and also verify its correct behavior.

You are under a deadline constraint for this deliverable, so you asked some of your peer architects for help. They each are well versed in different OO languages like VB.NET, C#, and Java and they all have done unit testing before so they are familiar of how to construct one.

Your peer architects provided you with partially-completed shells for your demonstration. Each shell contains:
complete code for the Course class; partially completed code for CourseList class; and complete code for the CourseListTest class that unit tests the CourseList.GetCourseByCourseID() method.
Your task is now easy. Just select one of these shells and complete the code for the partially completed CourseList by coding it GetCourseByCourseID() method. When you compile and run the shell, it will automatically test your GetCourseByCourseID() code to ensure its correct behavior.

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Friday 13 November 2015

SOC 322 Week 5 Assignment Final Paper

SOC 322 Week 5 Assignment Final Paper

People over the age of 65 have become the most rapidly growing segment of the American population, and arguably, the most dynamic. From physical and mental well-being, to social networks and lifestyle considerations, older adults are an- ever evolving group in our society, and because of this, it is important to note the sociological factors that influence their lives. 

For your final paper, discuss the sociological aspects of aging using the outline below. Be sure to include specific

information regarding the impact of each of these categories on the older adult population, and the demographic changes that have influenced each category.

 Historical Perspectives on Aging  Ageism in the 21st Century
 Physical Health Considerations  Mental Health Considerations
 Socioemotional Well-Being

 Lifestyle Considerations
 Women and Ethnic Minority Elders  Political Power Amongst the Elderly  Future Trends in Aging

The final paper should build upon the concepts learned in weeks one through five, and should be 8-10 pages in length, excluding the title and reference pages. Students must use at least 6-8 sources to support their analysis. 

SOC 322 Week 4 Finances and Lifestyle Medical Expenses in Old Age

SOC 322 Week 4 Finances and Lifestyle Medical Expenses in Old Age
Finances and Lifestyle: Medical Expenses in Old Age. For many American adults, medical expenses can be a primary source of debt and depression. In the older adult community, however, this problem is intensified, as health issues tend to surface and worsen during late adulthood. For this assignment, describe the financial burden of medical expenses on the older adult population. Specifically, discuss the Medicare and Medicaid policies, as well as the policies associated with Medigap. In discussing these policies, explain the following:
 How do individuals qualify for these programs?
 How do individuals pay for these programs?
 Which services are covered, and which aren‟t?
 What are the coverage differences in Part A, B, and D of Medicare?
 What are the current and future trends of Medicare and Medicaid programs?
In answering these questions, please ensure that you address the financial difficulties faced by older Americans in paying for (or qualifying for) such programs, as well as the expenses associated with medical care.
Your assignment should be 3-4 pages in length (excluding title and reference pages), and should include a minimum of 3 references.

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SOC 322 Week 2 Assignment Why We Age-New Models for Successful Aging

Why We Age-New Models for Successful Aging. According to the National Institutes of Mental Health, “the new model for successful aging includes physical and mental well-being and contains three elements: avoiding disease and disability, sustaining high cognitive and physical function, and engaging with life” (NIMH, 2002). For this assignment, use the damage and programmed theories of aging to describe the varying reasons why, and how, we age. Additionally, elaborate on the new model of successful aging outlined below, and discuss how each component of this model encourages successful aging:
 Avoiding disease and disability  Sustaining high cognitive function  Sustaining high physical function  Engaging with life
How do we achieve each of these elements? What can we do to promote overall physical and mental health, and prevent the onset of disease?

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RES 450 Week 5 Final Paper

RES 450 Week 5 Final Paper
Focus of the Final Paper
Select one of the following topics to address for your Final Paper:
 Examine the different valuation options for real estate. Describe the benefits or shortcomings of each option and  when they are appropriate (e.g., gross income multiplier, breakeven ratio, IRR, cap rate and NPV).  Examine the different ownership structures for real estate. Describe the benefits and shortcomings of each structure and when they are appropriate (e.g., LLC, Series LLC, C-Corp, S-Corp, LLLP and IRA).

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RES 450 Week 3 Compare and Contrast Two Academic Papers on Real Estate Appraising

Compare and Contrast Two Academic Papers on Real Estate  Appraising. Compareand Contrast Two Articles found on EBSCOhost.
Search the Ashford Library.
Find articles by searching “Databases by Subject.”
Jump to “Business & Economics” and select EBSCOhost.
Type in: “Real Estate Appraisal Report” and click search.

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RES 431 Week 2 Comparative Examination of Real Estate Valuation

RES 431 Week 2 Comparative Examination of Real Estate Valuation

Comparative Examination of Real Estate Valuation. The purpose of this assignment is to provide an opportunity for you to examine different valuation methods for commercial property and to contrast these with residential valuation.
Make sure to address the following in your discussion:
Review two ways in which commercial real estate can be valued.
Review two ways in which residential real estate can be valued.
Compare methods and discuss the differences in valuation methods.
Explain why valuation methods differ for both commercial and residential real estate

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RES 431 Week 1 Comparative Examination of Residential and Commercial Sales

RES 431 Week 1 Comparative Examination of Residential and Commercial Sales

Comparative Examination of Residential and Commercial Leases. The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with an opportunity to examine the differences that exist between commercial and residential leases.
Make sure to address the following in your paper:
Select both a residential and commercial lease to examine and provide them in the appendix of your
Provide a detailed review of each of the leases in your introduction.
Present four to six examples of differences that exist between the two leases and examine the significance
of these differences.

C1S115 Lab 2 with IPO, Pseudocode, visio flowchart, VB Code and Deskchecking – screenshot of flowchart + deskchecking + vb output – Complete and A+ Guaranteed

Week 2 iLab
TCO 2: Given a simple problem, design a solution algorithm that uses arithmetic expressions and built-in functions.
Your goal is to solve the following simple programming exercise. You have been contracted by a local antique store to design an algorithm determining the total purchases and sales tax. According to the store owner, the user will need to see the subtotal, the sales tax amount, and the total purchase amount. A customer is purchasing four items from the antique store. Design an algorithm where the user will enter the price of each of the four items. The algorithm will determine the subtotal, the sales tax, and the total purchase amount. Assume the sales tax is 7%.
Be sure to think about the logic and design first (IPO chart, flowchart, and pseudocode). Display all output using currency formatting.
Advanced (optional): Use a constant for the 7% sales tax.

Point distribution for this activity:
Lab Activity
Document Points possible Points received
Variable list 10
IPO chart 10
Flowchart 10
Pseudocode/VB code 10
Desk-check 10
Total Points 50
1—Variable List With Data Type
List all variables you will use (use valid variable names). Indicate whether the data type is string, integer, or decimal, and so on.
2—IPO Model
List the inputs, any processes/calculations, and outputs. Use the same valid variable names you used in Step 1.
Inputs Process (calculations) Outputs
Use MS Visio to create a flowchart. Paste flowchart here, or attach as separate document. Use the same valid variable names you used in Step 1.

4—Pseudocode or VB Code
Describe your solution using pseudocode or actual Visual Basic code. Use the same valid variable names you selected in Step 1.

Desk-check your solution by selecting appropriate test data.
Test data: List the values for your test data.
Expected output: What is the expected output of your program?
For each variable in your program, write the variable name selected in Step 1, in the heading for the variable columns (not all columns may be used).
For each step in your algorithm, write its step number in the left column (not all rows may be used).
Using the sample inputs above, enter the value of each variable after each step has been executed. Note any output displayed to the user.
Step Variables (write variable names in first line below) Output
Enter step numbers

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CIS115 – All Labs – VB Code, Pseudocode, IPO, Flowchart(visio), Hierarchy Chart, Desk Checking as per the requirement – Perfect A+ Score guaranteed

CIS115 – All Labs– A+ Score guaranteed

Lab 1: Restaurant Tip Calculator – Variable List, IPO, Pseudocode, visio flowchart and Desk checking
Lab 2: Tax Calculator – Variable List, IPO, Pseudocode, visio flowchart, VB Code and Desk checking
Lab 3: Decision Calendar – Variable List, IPO, Pseudocode, visio flowchart, VB Code – 4 vb output screenshots
Lab 4: Grade Calculator – Variable List, VB Code, IPO, Pseudocode, visio flowchart and 6 screenshots
Lab 5: Fireworks Stand Checkout – Variable List, VB Code, IPO, Pseudocode, visio flowchart and 4 screenshots
Lab 6: Winner of the Chevy&Ford Racing Teams – Variable List, VB Code, IPO, Pseudocode, visio flowchart&5 screenshots
Lab 7: Sales Tax – Variable List, VB Code, IPO, Pseudocode, visio flowchart, Hierarchy chart

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BUS430 Entire Course

BUS430 Entire Course

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SOC 326 Week 5 Final Paper

The Integrative Final Paper, 8-10 pages (exclusive of title and references pages), should demonstrate understanding of the reading assignments, class discussions, your own research and the application of new knowledge. It should consist of 6-8 resources including the textbook, three from ProQuest, and the remaining from scholarly or professional Internet sources.
Select one of the following case studies: 
Scenario One: Sachiko Ikeda
Sachiko Ikeda is an 84 year old, Japanese-American woman who lives in a small rural community in Eastern Pennsylvania. Mr. and Mrs. Ikeda moved to the United States when she was 30 years old. Mrs. Ikeda is a former elementary school teacher. She is widowed and lives alone in her house that has paid off. Mrs. Ikeda‟s three children live in New York (approximately three hours away). Mrs. Ikeda has a modest income; she receives support from her teacher‟s pension and Social Security. Mrs. Ikeda‟s health is generally very good; she does not have a primary care physician at this time. About 10 years ago, she was told that she has macular degeneration. Mrs. Ikeda enjoys visiting museums and going to the theater. She now takes the bus to and from these locations as her eyesight is not what it used to be.
Scenario Two: John Hunter
Mr. Hunter is a 65 year old Native American man who grew up on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. There is extreme poverty on the reservation. Mr. Hunter has diabetes, and in the past, often had difficulty getting to his medical appointments. Mr. Hunter‟s daughter drives him more than 100 miles to Rapid City to see a specialist. Mr. Hunter‟s primary income comes from his part-time work as a technician who services electrical appliances. The amount of support Mr. Hunter receives from Social Security is limited due to the types of work Mr. Hunter did over his life-time.
Scenario Three: Sam Levy
Sam Levy is an 83 year old African American man who lives in rural South Carolina. Mr. Levy lives with his wife. They recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. The Levy‟s four children all live in the same community. The Levy‟s live in a modest one bedroom home that is need of many repairs. Mr. Levy worked as a carpenter for 50 years before retiring at age 70. Their sole income is from Social Security. The Levy‟s receive meals and some financial assistance for utilities from their local community center and their church congregation. Mr. Levy suffers from hypertension and diabetes and is not able to afford to take medication as prescribed. Often, he does not take medication to save money. Mrs. Levy suffers from Alzheimer‟s. The Levy‟s children take turns caring for Mr. and Mrs. Levy. 

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ECO 550 Entire Course / Strayer University / Updated Syllabus

ECO 550 Entire Course / Strayer University / Updated Syllabus

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